Everyone has a car-buying horror story.

Urbanmiles was founded in 2017, with an aim to provide the best solutions for financing and insurance of used cars and new car ,under one roof. Now with over 25000 satisfied customers we are trying to change how used cars are bought and sold.
Looking at cars is the fun part, but then you have to pick the colour, weave your way through dodgy dealers, fend off the overly friendly sales staff, negotiate the best price, walk away, negotiate again... and then there's the finance office.

Most people are so exhausted by this point that they end up taking the first finance offer they get, crossing their fingers, and hope they get approved - accruing hits to their credit score along the way.

And then you wait...

For the big thumbs up, where you end up paying too much for the car in the long run.

Or the big thumbs down, where you’re back to square one with an enquiry on your file and even less options.

Where Urbanmiles fits in

We have never worked in car dealerships, lenders or traditional brokers - but we've been customers.

So we built Urbanmiles - a platform that helps customers like Scott fight back on the black-box that is the car finance process - providing options and transparency in a way that is sorely needed in the industry.


Urbanmiles offers a range of products for your business, from light vehicles to heavy equipment. If it's got wheels, we've got you covered!

There are a number of benefits of a commercial loan:

  • Significantly less documentation required
  • Ability to finance broader range of vehicle types
  • Tax benefits
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